Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Hair Dye

Hair dye. Now I am a person who dyes my hair, but most people I know do not. The friend who introduced me to bitmoji dyes her hair. My hair is usually the color I was born with, but sometimes I'll dye it purple or blue. It can be fun! I used to not want people to look at me funny because I had dyed hair, but now I don't really care what they think.
In my bitmoji, I had purple hair. Now, I have my natural hair color back in my hair again, and I have updated my bitmoji character.
I've heard that hair dye and bleach damages your scalp, other than dandruff, my scalp is fine.
I don't have to bleach my hair when I dye my hair. Sure, it comes out lighter than I want, but that's okay. I've never bleached my hair, so I've never had to deal with my ends snapping. When I get older, my hair will grow darker, and I will have to bleach my hair in the future. Qualities of brownish hair. I had really blond hair when I was a baby, but now my hair has darkened.
Well, to my calculations, it will damage your hair. Hair dye is bad. I suggest that you stop dying your hair to have beautiful, natural hair.
But madam, if you wish to have luscious, purple locks, buy my new shampoo and conditioner. It will rejuvenate your hair.
Or you don't have to. You could just forget about everything...
Well, my mother actually dyes her hair too. She got me into dying my hair. I started with hair chalk, then moved into hair dye. Temporary, of course. Not permanent like my mother.
I know of your hair dye. Your hair dye lasts 15-20 washes. So around a month. It is good, but the new hair dye my company has created can be even better. It heals the hair and scalp while giving a perfect finish of shiny colored hair. 
I'll pass.
Well, that's all I have time for today. Tune in for tomorrow for another post!

Current mood

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Writer's Block

Don't you hate it when you have writer's block? That's what I have right now. I had so many ideas, but... RAWR! Writer's block. At the beginning of this, I had good ideas. But not now. I. HATE. WRITER'S. BLOCK.
Gurl you should just take selfies. They never get old. Social media never gets old.
Good idea... (*Hint* for tomorrow's post). I might not actually do daily posts. I might do weekly, because I am busy. So, probably weekly posts from now on.
So, update! I changed my bitmoji. Just the outfit. In it, I have purple hair, but I don't have purple hair anymore! So, I'll probably change my bitmoji to my normal hair color. Or I'll dye my hair again. That's always fun.
Ooh! Topic. Hair dye! Okay, tomorrow's post is about hair dye. Yeah, that's better! Okay, that's all I have to say. Sorry for the small post. Bye!

Current mood

Monday, January 9, 2017


Winter. For some people, Winter is cold and dark. For others, the weather is perfect weather. For me, it's cold.
When I was younger, I lived in some perfect weather. Now. Cold. It can be VERY cold. Frigid. And I know at least one person is going to say:
Well, Dessie, due to you saying you living in frigid weather, the only solution is that you must live in a cold climate, like Canada, or Europe. 
Well... You might be right, but I'm not going to say. I have spent a lot of time in Canada as a child, but now... That's enough for now.
I love the snow. I love Winter, but I dislike very cold weather. I like cool/cold weather, for I tend to overheat extremely easily. Too hot of weather, I will be dying inside.
I wish I could live in a place that Winter has good weather, but I also don't want to live in a place like that, because there is no snow. My favorite thing of winter is snow. I LOVE SNOW!
With Summer, living in a place like Arizona, the weather is awful. Places like Canada have good weather in the Summer. That's kinda why some elderly people go to Florida for the Winter and Colorado for the Summer. I don't do that. (I'm not elderly) Sometimes I wish I could, but nope.
I dislike Summer. I always overheat, and I'm hot and sweaty while sleeping.
Sleeping in the Winter/Autumn is fine. I can put on as many blankets as I would like. Spring is okay. Summer is awful. I can't sleep well in the Summer. So, right now I'm thankful that it's Winter. It's -8 degrees Celsius, (18 degrees Fahrenheit), and there is a lot of snow on the ground. Perfect weather for sledding, playing in the snow, and having fun. I only wish I could sled. Heh, another time.
I think some people love the Winter for their nice, warm weather. Not me :)
Weather is perfect in the Winter. Summer is perfect. I have the freedom to go to Florida and Colorado, HEHE.
Well, that's nice for you. For me, I'll love my Winter and hate my Summer. Spring and Autumn are good for me. I love that kind of weather. It's perfect. Spring is a bit warmer, Autumn is a bit colder.
That's all I have to say for now. Tune in tomorrow to see another post!
Current mood. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Trends. You all know what I'm talking about. Dabbing, whipping, etc. And don't be going all:
Oh, Dessie, that was 2016! It's hype 2017, turn down for what!
I don't care. It is still a trend. All (most) of you saw youtube rewind. They had trends. And some of those trends are still 'relevant' today. And for some people, (*cough cough* my brother) they will stay relevant for a long time. A new year doesn't mean that you have to chuck everything relevant out the window and start anew. You can take the things (trends) you have and make new ones.
But Dessie, there are no more trends, now that Vine is dead. Vine was the only place trends could be made. 
And to that I respond with, THAT'S NOT TRUE. Some platform of social media "dying" doesn't mean that there are no 'trends' anymore. That just means that some trends come and go. Vine was a trend. You Tube is a trend. Blogging is a trend. Some trends come and go, or stay for awhile and come back later.
That's a load of hooey. Trends can't come back. Trends have to be relevant. Take pokemon go. For a few months, people liked it, it was relevant. Once it got boring, it ain't relevant no more.
Oh, sweet innocent reader, you are wrong. Trends depend on the person. I was (And still am) not into "dabbing" or "whipping" or "nay-naying" or any of that. But they were still trends. For example, my brother still loves pokemon go. Sure, it is not relevant (or a trend) anymore, but it is still relevant for him. Take my friend. People say that dabbing was "So last year ago" and it's not relevant anymore. Well, for my friend, dabbing is still relevant. You see what I mean?
DID YOU JUST MOCK ME WITH YOUR PINK TONE OF VOICE BECAUSE I'M PURPLE?! Also, I totally don't care. Trends are only relevant when everybody's doing it. 
Fine, whatever. You can think that. I still hate trends. And your mockery can't change it. 
Well, now that Vine is dead, and is the only thing like Vine, and is dying, what will happen now? There will only be Snapchat and Snapchat rip-off!
You mean Instagram? 
I guess.
Think what you want. Whatever will happen happens for a reason. Well, that's all I have to say. Tune in tomorrow for another post!

Current mood.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Bitmoji. My favorite out of my social medias. It seems perfect. The best way to express yourself online. I use it. My friends use it. Maybe you do too.
"Technically" this could be a 'face reveal', but it's not. Trust me, it's not.
So, I have a new idea. I'm going to put a picture of me from bitmoji of my current mood. Tell me what you think of it!
This is my life. 
So... *drumroll* That is my mood. 
Back to bitmoji!
So, my love for bitmoji will never end. I just love expressing myself with their fun caricatures and pictures. I'm that one friend who won't stop sending you pictures/messages because I think it's cool. So, this is a fun outlet to express my feelings. For The Daily Rant is a place where you can express yourself, say what you want to say, and no one cares. I could've turned this blog into a story. But instead I turned into a place where I rant. I guess that's why it's called The Daily Rant! *Cue Seinfeld music* 
Well, that's all I have to say. Subscribe for more! Oh wait... This is a blog, not youtube. Tune in tomorrow to see another post, I guess? I dunno. Nobody knows. Welcome to life.