Monday, January 9, 2017


Winter. For some people, Winter is cold and dark. For others, the weather is perfect weather. For me, it's cold.
When I was younger, I lived in some perfect weather. Now. Cold. It can be VERY cold. Frigid. And I know at least one person is going to say:
Well, Dessie, due to you saying you living in frigid weather, the only solution is that you must live in a cold climate, like Canada, or Europe. 
Well... You might be right, but I'm not going to say. I have spent a lot of time in Canada as a child, but now... That's enough for now.
I love the snow. I love Winter, but I dislike very cold weather. I like cool/cold weather, for I tend to overheat extremely easily. Too hot of weather, I will be dying inside.
I wish I could live in a place that Winter has good weather, but I also don't want to live in a place like that, because there is no snow. My favorite thing of winter is snow. I LOVE SNOW!
With Summer, living in a place like Arizona, the weather is awful. Places like Canada have good weather in the Summer. That's kinda why some elderly people go to Florida for the Winter and Colorado for the Summer. I don't do that. (I'm not elderly) Sometimes I wish I could, but nope.
I dislike Summer. I always overheat, and I'm hot and sweaty while sleeping.
Sleeping in the Winter/Autumn is fine. I can put on as many blankets as I would like. Spring is okay. Summer is awful. I can't sleep well in the Summer. So, right now I'm thankful that it's Winter. It's -8 degrees Celsius, (18 degrees Fahrenheit), and there is a lot of snow on the ground. Perfect weather for sledding, playing in the snow, and having fun. I only wish I could sled. Heh, another time.
I think some people love the Winter for their nice, warm weather. Not me :)
Weather is perfect in the Winter. Summer is perfect. I have the freedom to go to Florida and Colorado, HEHE.
Well, that's nice for you. For me, I'll love my Winter and hate my Summer. Spring and Autumn are good for me. I love that kind of weather. It's perfect. Spring is a bit warmer, Autumn is a bit colder.
That's all I have to say for now. Tune in tomorrow to see another post!
Current mood. 

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